4 Medical Problems That Can Cause Teeth To Deteriorate
How many times have you been told how important it is for you to take care of your teeth? Probably too many times to count. But no matter how hard some people try, there are certain medical conditions that make their teeth deteriorate. There are also medical conditions that make it extremely difficult to take care of teeth, both in the dental office and self-care at home. Here are two diseases that can cause teeth to deteriorate, and two conditions that can make dental care nearly impossible.
Deterioration from Celiac Disease
Celiac disease is a condition in which the body attacks itself in the intestines when gluten is ingested. It's an autoimmune disorder that causes the person's small intestine to be unable to perform the functions it was designed to perform—absorb nutrients, vitamins and minerals from food. Without nutrients, the entire body is affected, including the teeth and oral cavity. Teeth can deteriorate due to lack of essential nutrients that are important to keep them strong, such as calcium.
To treat someone with dental problems due to lack of nutrition, many dentists provide cosmetic dentistry treatment options such as veneers and dental implants. The choice is an individual one, and is typically based on the condition of the soft gum tissue and the strength of the jaw bones. Patients with celiac disease should also take a multi-vitamin designed specifically for gluten intolerance to help with their nutritional deficiencies.
Deterioration from Diabetes
Diabetics who are not in control of their blood sugars can develop gum disease, which can cause teeth to become lose and fall out over time. Diabetics are also prone to developing serious infections because it takes their bodies a long time to heal, which is part and parcel to having diabetes. Medical doctors often warn their diabetic patients about taking good care of their teeth.
Diabetics should inform their dentists that they have the condition. Prevention of gum and teeth deterioration is the top dental concern for diabetics. Most often, dentists schedule their diabetic patients for routine examinations more frequently than non-diabetic patients. For patients who have lost teeth due to severe gum disease, cosmetic dentistry treatment can include placement of dental implants. However, the patient's blood sugars need to be under control prior to surgery and through recovery to prevent infection.
Limited Dental Care from Trigeminal Neuralgia
Trigeminal neuralgia is a medical condition that can cause limited dental care and self-care. The reason for this is due to the extreme pain that is felt by these patients in their faces, jawbones, cheeks and foreheads. The pain of this condition can be triggered by any slight movement by the person, on the person, or near the person. Teeth brushing can cause excruciating pain.
People with trigeminal neuralgia sometimes find themselves needing to have teeth pulled due to lack of care over a period of time. For these individuals, some cosmetic dentistry treatments, such as dental implants, may not be an option unless first cleared by their neurosurgeon. If any dental treatment is done, patients should be given pre-emptive anesthesia to reduce the risks of the pain being triggered.
Limited Dental Care from Eating Disorders
Anorexia, bulimia and pica are three eating disorders that can severely affect the teeth and the person's ability to get professional dental care for their teeth. People with these eating disorders may avoid being seen by their dentists because they want to hide their conditions. Most people with eating disorders do not want other people to know they have them, because they are afraid they will be forced to stop.
Anorexics tend to have nutritional deficiencies. Bulimics often have damaged dental enamel. Those who suffer from pica can have damaged enamel and cracked teeth. These types of dental problems that are caused by medical diseases and conditions can be treated with cosmetic dentistry, including veneers, crowns, and dental implants.
It's not always easy to keep your teeth and mouth in good condition, especially if you are dealing with one of the issues addressed in this article. However, an experienced dentist can still help you treat any problems that have developed or prevent more from developing. Click here to read more about the treatment options that may be available to you.