Strengthen Your Immune System With Soluble Fiber While Using Fluticasone Nasal Spray
Although fluticasone nasal spray can provide relief from your seasonal or year-round allergy symptoms, the medication may cause some side effects, such as a low immune system or reduction in the cells that protect it. Strengthening your immune system may help protect you from anything that might compromise your health or fluticasone nasal spray's ability to control your allergies. One of the things you can do to increase your body's immunity is eat more soluble fiber. Soluble fiber works with your immune system's organs, including the liver, to keep you healthy.
Why Should You Eat More Soluble Fiber?
You may already know that fiber is an excellent way to maintain a healthy weight, lower blood sugar, keep your digestive system strong, and many other body functions. But what you might not know is that eating 6-8 grams of soluble fiber each day can also strengthen your immune system and the tissues that support it. The soluble fiber in figs, avocados and other types of fruit may increase your body's ability to fight bacteria and other pathogens, which is one of the things that harm your immune system.
Each day, you breathe in a host of airborne contaminants that may potentially threaten your immune system and organs. If your immune system isn't strong enough to fight off, block or contain these contaminants, they can stick to the lining of your nasal passages, throat and lungs. Some of these contaminants leave your respiratory system and enter your bloodstream. One of the immune system's most important organs, the liver, filters out the contaminants in your blood. The liver creates a substance called bile to transport the contaminants to your digestive system, where it's later removed by soluble fiber.
Soluble fiber forms a gelatinous mass that absorbs the toxins and carries them out the body through your bowel movements. The cleaned bile enters your blood and travels back to your liver to repeat the cycle all over again. If you don't get enough soluble fiber in your diet, the bile retains the contaminants inside it and returns to your liver, where it builds up in your bloodstream.
Some of the toxins that enter your bloodstream travel to different parts of your body and infect them, including your respiratory system. If you develop an infection in your respiratory system, you may have problems using or absorbing the medications from your nasal spray. Adding soluble fiber to every meal may help to prevent these issues.
How Can You Get More Soluble Fiber in Your Diet?
One of the things you might do is make small batches of fruit salads that include dried figs, apricots and apple slices and place them in your refrigerator. These types of fruit are easy to snack on at work or school. You can also serve fresh apricots and apples for dessert during dinner.
Drinking smoothies made with avocados, flaxseeds and low-fat plain yogurt each day may also be a good way to add more soluble fiber to your diet. To improve the flavor of the smoothies, simply add 1 or 2 teaspoons of organic honey to them when you blend your ingredients together, or you may replace the plain yogurt with naturally-flavored vanilla, strawberry or blueberry yogurt.
Adding black beans, navy beans or kidney beans to your soups, stews and meat dishes may be an option for you. Beans generally contain over 4 grams of fiber per serving and can be consumed on a regular basis. Beans also excellent promote healthy bowel movements, which may help remove the toxins from your bile.
If you need more information about fluticasone or its effects on your immune system, contact a medical provider today.