How To Tell If A Swollen Leg Vein Needs Treatment

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Leg vein swelling is a common problem. People often dismiss it as something normally associated with aging, pregnancy, or being on their feet a lot. However, some problems call for treatment. Here is how you can tell if it's time to contact a practitioner.


If a swollen vein is beginning to turn red, that's likely a sign of inflammation. Generally, this comes from the body trying to ward off infection. Minimally, you'll want to have a doctor check for an infection and get it under control if there is one.

Prolonged infections can lead to major health issues. Also, infections can recur. If you've dealt with redness in a swollen vein repeatedly or for a long time, treating the vein may be the best long-term medical option.


A swollen vein can cause pain or discomfort. If you feel pain when you're moving around, that's a bad sign. Bear in mind that the pain doesn't have to be sharp. A dull ache or even mild discomfort is justification for leg vein swelling treatment. In extreme cases, the pain or discomfort could make walking difficult or impossible.


This is a problem similar to redness. It could indicate there's an active infection. Even if the warm area is near the vein and not directly in it, it could be a sign of inflammation that deserves medical attention.

Some cases may lead to a spreading infection. If you experience a fever along with a swollen vein in your leg, request a doctor's appointment right away.


The skin around the affected area can also become discolored like a bruise. You may see a brown, blue, or gray patch. This is a possible sign that blood is pooling in the vicinity of the leg vein swelling. Even if it's not promoting an infection currently, it could cause one later. Also, the bruising may be persistent, and many people find that visually unappealing.

Shortness of Breath

Leg vein swelling may be more of a symptom than the primary medical problem. If a person has experienced a pulmonary embolism, for example, they may have swelling in a leg vein. At the same time, they might also have trouble breathing. Anyone who experiences leg vein swelling along with shortness of breath should schedule an examination immediately.

Difficulty Healing

The area around the affected vein may not have sufficient blood flow. Consequently, it might struggle to heal. If you have poorly healed ulcers, sores, or scabs on the leg, you should have a doctor check it out.

To find out more, contact a company like Center For Advanced Vein Care.
