Handling Your Heel Pain: The Different Ways To Get Some Relief

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Do you experience a lot of heel pain throughout the day? If it is hard for you to stand, walk, run, or do much of anything on your feet, you could have plantar fasciitis, a type of condition that occurs when the tissue within your feet becomes inflamed. As a result of the inflammation, you could experience a lot of pain and discomfort. Even doing something as simple as walking to the store could leave you feeling completely uncomfortable.…

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Urinary Incontinence At The Gym- And What You Can Do About It

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At the gym, a work filled with squats, deadlifts, and plyometrics (exercises that involve jumping) is an excellent way to get in shape and rid your mind of stress. However, some women find that engaging in these moves causes them to experience urinary incontinence. Urinary incontinence is a common condition among women, especially for those who have had children. Rapid exercise, sneezing, laughing, and coughing are a few activities that may cause you to be incontinence.…

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Diabetic? Don't Skip Your Physical Exams

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If you have been diagnosed with diabetes for a while you have probably gotten the hang of monitoring what you eat to keep your blood glucose levels within the normal limits. However, this does not mean that you can skip having regular physical exams by your primary care physician. In addition, your doctor may send you to see a cardiologist on a regular basis. Unfortunately, diabetes can lead to heart disease.…

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How To Lose Weight And Still Eat Carbs

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Most diets make you cut out carbohydrates, or some other type of food that you probably enjoy. This limitation is why most diets just don’t work. The answer isn’t taking away the foods you love, it’s knowing which foods are better for you than others and making better choices. With carbohydrates, there are some that are better for you than others, so there’s no need to nix them completely. See below for tips on how to lose weight and still enjoy those carbs.…

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Tips For Using Contact Lenses With Dry Eyes

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If you have recently started to notice your vision becoming fuzzy or if images simply do not seem as clear as they once did, then it is time to speak to an optometrist. The professional can complete a thorough exam to see if you are nearsighted or farsighted. If you have dry eyes and dread the thought of wearing glasses, then contact lenses are an option. There are a few tips you should know before speaking with your eye doctor.…

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Learn How To Get Custom Orthotics Made For Your Flat Feet

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Having flat feet can lead to foot tenderness because it is hard to find shoes that provide your feet with the right support they need. When you have flat feet, that means that your feet have little to no noticeable arch. Wearing shoes with high arches will apply pain to the arches of your feet, causing you to have difficulty when you walk or run. Fortunately, you can have special orthotics made to suit your specific needs.…

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4 Living Room Accessories Ideal For People Suffering With Lyme Disease

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When someone is infected with Lyme disease from a tick bite, there are many symptoms that they may suffer through for months or even years after the initial bite. Some of the more common symptoms found with the disease include muscle swelling, joint pain, heavy fatigue, and sleep issues. If you’ve been diagnosed with Lyme disease, then these pains and symptoms could make it hard to navigate through your own home.…

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Elderly Parents And Spousal Loss: What Is Complicated Grief And How Can Counseling Help Your Loved One?

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When most elderly individuals lose a spouse to death, they go through the stages of bereavement, or the mourning of the loved one’s passing. Although it may be difficult, the individuals may learn to cope with the loss and live without their loved one. But if your elderly parent doesn’t seem to move past the stages of bereavement and declines in physical and mental health instead, they may develop a mental health problem known as complicated grief, which is the refusal to accept or move past a loved one’s death.…

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5 Tips For Using Legal Steroids To Help Get Fit After A Pregnancy

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While many women want to slim down quickly after a pregnancy, legal steroid supplements are not usually the first thing they consider. This is because of the misconception that steroids are only for bulking up with big muscles. However, there are many legal steroid supplements that can actually help you retain lean muscle while eliminating body fat. While steroid supplements may assist you in your goals to get fit after a pregnancy, it is important that you follow some basic safety guidelines to make your use safe and efficient.…

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3 Tips For Transitioning Through Menopause

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Menopause can be a difficult time in the lives of many women because the experience can come with both physical and emotional changes that are exacerbated by fluctuating hormones. As you approach menopause, there are ways to make the transition easier. Deal With The Emotional Aspects When the topic of menopause is discussed, it often relates to physical symptoms, such as hot flashes or changes in libido. However, there can be a significant emotional component to menopause depending on your perspective.…

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